Borissov with the first comment on Saturday’s protest


According to him, everyone has the right to have an opinion and this is a sign of democracy.

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov’s first comment on Saturday’s protest. According to him, everyone has the right to have an opinion and that is a sign of democracy. Over the weekend, Borissov again carried out a nationwide inspection. Today he visited Gabrovo together with Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donev. The visit was broadcast only on social networks.

“There are always dissatisfied. If they can voice their opinion, then there is democracy. The parents of the current Democrats were crushing us then. They were literally crushing us. You couldn’t tell a joke about Bai Tosho or the party. They were arrested for making jokes.” Borissov said.

The prime minister also commented on the situation with the coronavirus. The cabinet will allocate 460 million BGN for health next year and will continue financial support of 1,000 BGN for frontline doctors.

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