Trump: I’m back in the fight for the White House


US President Donald Trump has said he will return soon to his electoral campaign. He recorded a video message and posted it on Twitter.

“I think I’ll be back soon, I can’t wait to finish the campaign,” the president said.

McConnell: Trump sounds good, feels good

McConnell: Trump sounds good, feels good

There is no transfer of powers to the Vice President

He stressed that he felt good.

I think we will have a good result. We will probably know for sure again in the next few days, “Trump said.

The next 48 hours will be critical for Donald Trump

The next 48 hours will be critical for Donald Trump

White House Warning

Earlier, during a press conference, the American leader did not respond to the question of whether he received oxygen, emphasizing that this is not necessary at this time. Doctors also said Trump was in treatment, although a source familiar with the president’s condition said the health policy was cause for concern.

Previously, it was reported that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his wife Melania were diagnosed with coronavirus.

What drugs is Trump being treated with?

What drugs is Trump being treated with?

According to the information, Trump feels tired and has difficulty breathing

The presidential couple passed the COVID-19 test, after Trump’s adviser Hope Hicks, who accompanied him to the presidential debate in Cleveland, turned out to have a coronavirus.
