Donald Trump had only mild symptoms and was still active


Donald Trump shows only mild symptoms of coronavirus and despite the diagnosis, he continues to function from his residence in the White House, the administration of the US president reported, cited by the Associated Press.

The news comes after it became clear today that Trump and his wife Melania tested positive for COVID-19. They were tested after it turned out that Head of State’s associate Hope Hicks was infected.

According to sources in the New York Times, the president’s symptoms were like a cold.

The most serious problem for health authorities comes from that on Thursday Trump participated in an event of his election campaign to raise funds at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, where, according to a witness, he was in contact with about 100 people. According to a witness quoted by the New York Times, the president “seemed lethargic.”

The White House is discussing whether Trump needs to make a video address to the nation to show that he is in good health and runs the country smoothly.

The AP, for its part, recalls that in case of serious illness of the President of the United States, the articles of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1967, come into force. If it is established that the head of state is medically incapable of fulfill his functions, he is transferred to his vice president. The transfer can be for a limited period of time or until the president regains power.

The transfer of power has been used many times since it was enshrined in the constitution, often when a president undergoes a medical procedure that forces him to remain unconscious. In such cases, the transfer of power is arranged in advance.

However, this has rarely been tested in exceptional circumstances. Even in 1981, when Ronald Reagan was shot, it was never implemented, although the team had prepared the necessary documents. Reagan continued to make decisions from his hospital bed, according to his presidential library.

If the vice president considers the head of state incapacitated and the president refuses to hand over power, there is a mechanism that allows his vice president to force him to resign temporarily, provided that the majority of the cabinet members agree. This has never been applied in practice.

Hope Hicks, close to the president of the United States, tested positive

In reality, the main problem Trump is facing right now is his presidential campaign, from which he will have to physically separate, which means that by October 15 (at least) all of his events will be canceled or attended by his representative. Alternatively, Trump will appear via video link.

The second presidential debate is scheduled for October 15. The possibility of changing the format of the debate was already being discussed, due to the strong reactions to the lack of civilization between Biden and Trump in the first debate. It remains to be seen if the debate will be postponed, canceled or moved to a virtual format.
