Driver found missing Evelyn 4 days ago, who did not want to be found (Summary)


3 years ago he was away for 10 days, then he was found by firefighter Vasil Valchev, exhausted, with torn clothes

Now he was only in a T-shirt, and the nights in the mountains were already very cold.

A driver found Ivelin Uzunov from Smilyan village in Smolyan, who disappeared 4 days ago, on Tuesday night.

Mincho Kachamanov, who was carrying soft drinks, saw a moving silhouette on the road from Chokamanovo to Smilyan and recognized the wanted young man.

“This time he had escaped only with a shirt, the previous one had at least one sweatshirt. The nights are much colder. In addition to being attacked by bears or wolves, there is a danger that Evelyn will freeze in the forest. She has a problem and her parents are treating her. Her father is very responsible. “

This is what the mayor of Smilyan Chavdar Chervenkov says. For 4 days, police, hunters, border guards, family members and volunteers have been searching for 23-year-old Evelyn. Tracked dogs are also in on the action.

The young man left his home on Saturday morning. Two days later, his relatives asked the police for help. There has been no connection to him since.

“We did not seek him out en masse, so that he would not be scared or hurt.

The boy is with

health problem

and all

we fulfill

with this fact

In fact, we were looking for someone who didn’t want to be found. He hides even when teams pass him, “says Police Director in Smolyan, Senior Commissioner Nikolay Dimov.

Evelyn has made several attempts to escape in recent months, but she was quickly discovered by her relatives and an organized search was not necessary.

Traces of the young man were found in an area north of Smilyan in the direction of the town of Turyan. However, this did not mean that he was in the forest, as he could have gotten into a car and gone very far.

Family members also walked the area at night. They assumed he was lighting a fire somewhere or a flashlight in the dark.

Dozens of volunteers roamed the area for most of the day, visibly at a distance, but found no trace.

Evelyn’s parents are divorced. Her mother lives in Sofia and her father in Smilyan with another woman with whom they have a child.

Somewhere up


lived more in

the capital

He was going now too, but less often. He got along well with his grandmother in Sofia, but she died 3 years ago and since then Evelyn has closed a lot. Family members say he has been depressed for a long time.

His father has an iron and building materials workshop in Smilyan and helped him. In Smilyan, the boy is described as modest: he does not drink, smoke or use drugs, and his family has no financial problems.

He has a very limited circle of contacts and does not communicate with everyone. He shared that he is a huge fan of survival “Survivor.” The truth, however, is that he does not know the area well.

He was last seen in the center of town and no one knew which way he was going. The mysterious and sudden disappearance made it difficult to find him. During one of his longest disappearances, 10 days in May 2017, a camera in the center of town filmed him buying a packet of oil and mineral water at a grocery store.

In addition to this record, there was another indisputable fact during their search that it was in the immediate vicinity. Evelyn was photographed by a bear trap set in the Turyan area.

The distance from his house to Turyan is 3-4 km through the forest and about 20 on a paved ring road.

The teams then came across the discarded sneakers and socks at the beginning of the search in the area of ​​the town of Koshnitsa. He threw them out because they made calluses on him, the young man later explained. He slept in abandoned buildings.

In front of his father Velin and his uncle Biser, he announced that he had gotten lost in the forest and was driving alone on the water of the mountain streams. Police found no broken houses or basements from which he could obtain food.

Evelyn was found on the 10th day near a water collection well in a ravine near the Doganovo neighborhood, where Smolyan firefighter Vasil Valchev and his sister Zaharina passed.

Later, police said it was one of the largest search operations in at least 10 years. Some days 150 people gathered at the same time.

The Valchevs have an old house with a garden in Doganovo and they spent the weekend doing something in it.

“It just came to our knowledge then

lying with the hood

upside down and barefoot

He had no shoes and his arms and legs were swollen and discolored. We asked him how he was and he got up and said he was fine. But he seemed exhausted, abandoned, with torn clothes and unable to walk. It’s good that he hadn’t encountered bears or wolves in the forest, ”Valchev explained.

At Smolyan hospital, Ivelin was admitted with very low blood pressure, frozen arms and legs, and minor superficial abrasions.

“During this leak, we sent people to search teams every day. We also did individual tours. The problem was that the trees were still green and there was no visibility. On Saturdays and Sundays it rains and there are no traces left. Even the last people who they had seen it, they did not know in which direction it was headed.

in the forest there

lots of trash,

apples and there are with

what to eat Evelyn is a person who would not enter someone else’s property to shelter or eat something. Last time she announced that she was not taking refuge in villas and stables because they were foreigners, ”says Safidin Chikurtev, president of the hunting group in Smilyan.

In the days since he was declared wanted, there have been no reports of people seeing him. Three years ago, the signals even confused teams.
