A soft drink driver found Evelyn missing


A driver found Ivelin Uzunov missing from Smilyan village in Smolyan

A driver found the missing Ivelin Uzunov from Smilyan village in Smolyan. Mincho Kachamanov, who was carrying soft drinks, saw a moving silhouette on the road from Chokmanovo to Smilyan and recognized the wanted young man, said the head of the hunting group in Smilyan, Safidin Chikurtev. His health is good, confirmed Smolyan Police Director Senior Commissioner Nikolay Dimov.

The young man left his home on Saturday morning. She has not been in contact with him since and has not returned. After receiving a signal from the boy’s relatives on Monday, search operations were organized, involving about 10 employees of the Smolyan Police Department, police sniffer dogs, employees of TP SFE – Smilyan, volunteers and relatives of the young.

Ivelin Uzunov disappears and is searched many times. Three years ago, in May, he was searched for 10 days by hundreds of people. It was found by Smolyan firefighter Vasil Valchev.

In October of the same year, he was again declared wanted at the request of his relatives. The young man suddenly disappeared, but his relatives found him quickly and did not require police intervention.
