Slightly hinted at entry and exit restrictions in some of our cities



Professor Baltov was born on September 19, 1966 in Sofia. He graduated from the University of Medicine in 1994. Two years later he began specializing in orthopedics and traumatology at the Second Pirogov Traumatology Clinic. “. Before being elected director of the Pirogov University Hospital in 2017, he was director of the hospital’s First Traumatology Clinic. This is what he said for Monitor:

– Prof. Baltov, are you concerned about the situation in schools and do you think that the current training may lead to a sharp jump in COVID-19 patients?

– I think it is logical to have a slight increase in COVID-19 cases after the opening of schools, it is normal that it has spread between teachers. At the same time, I am not afraid of a sharp jump in the sick. I think what needs to be emphasized from now on is to have a tighter control between teachers and that they really follow the instructions: distance, wearing safety gear, but also outside of school. In fact, most cases of infection occur outside of school, not inside it. Therefore, care must be taken not to attend mass events, walk in restaurants where there is a risk of infection. As for the students, they all wear protective gear, you know they have masks in the hallways. That should remain the case. It is true that there is a risk because children without masks in the classroom, but I still think that it is better to have face-to-face training.

– So do you think that the decision to have a face-to-face training was the correct one?

– Yes, because actually in online learning, although everyone says it is good, there is no real contact between teachers and students. It is more sterile, so to speak.

– However, is it a good measure to switch to quarantine and distance learning for two weeks when there is a positive student in the class?

– This is something that has yet to be discussed. Or the quarantine should be 7-10 days. If the children’s tests are negative, it does not make sense to quarantine them for two weeks, but one. However, a PCR test should be done to show that there is no infection.

– Shouldn’t free tests be provided and then the kids go back to school?

– You should. PCRs should be free and this should not be a problem because they will be prescribed by RHI. In addition, the Health Insurance Fund has the potential to do 2,800 PCRs per day, and in no case are they done. So it is not a problem to do this and send them to the laboratories that work in the Health Insurance Fund and they will be paid at specific prices.

– A few days ago, experts expressed their concern that November will be critical and that if we follow the measures, December will be easier. Is that correct?

– With climate change, of course, the risk increases. Although we say that the virus is not affected by climate change, it is still with us. But then people’s behavior changes, they are mostly indoors, while when the weather is better they go out. That is why we need to increase control over the use of personal protective equipment, because this will help us to some extent to maintain the increase in cases. People’s behavior must be very well controlled, large teams themselves must also follow the measures when working in one place. It is necessary to observe discipline, disinfection, disinfection. Control can be both personal and professional.

– Many of your colleagues pointed to high mortality as a big problem. What is the reason for this, what are the factors?

– There are many factors, not one. The reasons are complex.

“Does that bother you?”

– I think we are good compared to other European countries. What we see now is a momentary image. You have seen how many positives, and especially deaths, have increased. That is why we all the time message people to keep their distance, to wear masks. Control is extremely important. Otherwise, there is an aging population, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, overweight, less movement of people, all this affects the body as a whole. Food and behavior themselves play a very important role.

– Are we seeking medical help too late?

– In the case of proven positives, there is an action algorithm. People with symptoms should seek the help of a personal physician, who should respond appropriately and guide the patient where to go. A simple phone call is not enough. The patient must be physically seen to understand what action to take. In fact, we evaluate the patient in pre-hospital care. In Pirogov, all those admitted to the hospital must be examined, no matter what their complaints are.

– You said that we are fine in the context of other countries. In France, just days after the start of the school year, 22 schools closed. What are your predictions?

– That was expected. But they are not closed because there are infected people in the school, but outside of it. If they had not been infected when they arrived at the school, this situation would not have happened.

– How do you assess the message of the Bulgarian Medical Union, which issued a statement? There was even a reaction from some.

– The message from the BMA was extremely appropriate. If someone recognizes himself in him, the situation is “guzen-negonen run”. Apparently they themselves are accepted as the people for whom the statement was made. Let them explain why they recognize themselves in it. Otherwise, the message itself is completely adequate. We must take some and the same actions so as not to bring doubts and contradictions to the patients and make them think that we cannot adequately face the situation.

– What is the situation in “Pirogov” at the moment?

– The situation here is calm, we maintain a constant growth among the 25-30 patients who are being treated. As much as necessary, we treat those in the intensive care unit. In general, there are fewer people in the intensive care unit compared to August and July. So I think we ended September in a relatively calm atmosphere. I hope that we will maintain this attitude in October as well, in order to prepare for November, when an increase in cases is expected.

“Should staff briefings really be returned?”

– This is not my decision. Personally, I believe that the public should be well informed, it is not about intimidation, people should not think that the briefings will threaten the status quo or the previous measures will almost return. We need to have a well-informed society here.

– In which cases can more restrictive measures be required?

– The measures can become restrictive only if the cases increase a lot or we do not follow the imposed measures. If a balance is struck, we can do it. Our country has some of the most liberal measures. This is a great advantage that everyone should appreciate. People really have to follow these rules. Everyone thinks they are untouchable by the virus until they contract it. We are not responsible ex post facto, but before the infection reaches us.

– But you rule out the installation of controls again, right?

– Definitely. Nobody can talk about it. It may be necessary to restrict entry and exit in a city where there is a strong jump in positive cases, but it is not possible to speak of the whole country. And it is not that someone orders it from above, but simply to alleviate the situation at the local level.
