He yells “This was my wife, but someone told her to leave me and she did” seconds before the shooting at the Plovdiv Medical Center


The Plovdiv District Prosecutor’s Office filed a charge against Biser Huntev, 58, for threatening to kill a 53-year-old woman and two Fourth District police officers on January 31, 2020 in Plovdiv. RU – Plovdiv in the performance of its service, as this threat could arouse reasonable fear for its implementation, a crime according to art. 144 par. 3 supra para. 2 times par. 1 of the Penal Code, as well as the fact that on January 31, 2020, in Plovdiv, for hooligan reasons, caused the injured 53-year-old woman a minor bodily injury, expressed in a laceration, mild concussion, a wound cut on the left thigh, caused a health disorder unrelated to the cases of art. 128 and art. 129 of the Penal Code – a crime according to art. 131 para. 1 point 12 supra art. 130 par. 1 of the Penal Code.

Defendant Biser Huntev was married to the injured 53-year-old woman. He worked at the reception of the Plovdiv Medical Center, taking care of his family. The defendant was not employed and blamed him for his failures. In 2019, the woman left the family home. This did not please BH, who began to monitor her, threatened her and insisted that she return home. The woman refused.

On January 31, the defendant bought two pistols, air and gas, as well as a box of steel bullets from an armory. He also carried two knives. At 11:30, he went to the Medical Center, where his wife worked at the reception. There were patients in the corridor. Biser Huntev went to his wife’s workplace and shouted to those waiting in front of the doctors’ offices:

“Please get out of the building. This was my wife, but someone told her to leave me and she did.” People did not understand what was happening at first, but Biser Huntev showed them the gun, warning that it was real, and fired twice. In the air, the patients came out and the doctors were in the offices.

The accused was left alone at the reception with his wife. The woman tried to escape and hide, but he caught up with her and started yelling: “Get on the ground.” The defendant hit her twice on the head with the butt of a pistol and blood spurted from the wound. pulled out a knife and stabbed the woman in the left thigh, during which time a report was made to the police.

Two employees of the Fourth Regional Hospital – Plovdiv came to the Medical Center. The policemen entered and shouted: “Police”. The accused was at one end of the corridor with the victim, but upon hearing them he shouted: “I’m going to kill you, come out.” When the police approached him, he shot them with a pistol, but they hid and did not beat them. Huntev continued to threaten the police and threatened his wife with the words: “I am tired, I will kill you.”

Interior Ministry officials tried to persuade him to drop the weapon, but he refused. He approached the reception desk, pulling the woman with one hand and holding a pistol aimed at the policeman in the other. Suddenly, he lowered the gun, pulled out a knife again, and raised it over the victim. At that moment, the two policemen managed to arrest him, despite his resistance, and provide first aid to the injured woman. She was hospitalized for injuries to her head and left leg.

The witnesses were questioned in the case, numerous expert reports were prepared, from the conclusions of which it was established that Biser understood the nature and meaning of what he was doing and was able to guide his actions. The accused was taken into custody.
