Bulgarian woman in Greece talks about the hurricane: Tents are in water and mud (Video)


The natural disaster has caused serious material damage. Photo: Twitter / Greekcitytimes

Desislava Dimitrova is a Bulgarian who lives in one of the areas most affected by Hurricane Yanos in our southern neighbor, Karditsa. According to her, the natural disaster has caused serious material damage, with the worst situation in the city center, she told BNT.

Most of the commercial sites are in water and mud, tractors and special local Civil Protection teams have to clean and drain the clogged wells.

The strong pressure of the water smashed the shop windows. Most of the basements of downtown residential buildings are also flooded.

Hurricane Janos photo: Reuters

Hurricane Janos photo: Reuters

There is also serious damage to agricultural land: the fields of local people have literally turned into lakes after torrential rains. Serious losses are expected for the inhabitants of the Thessaly region, where agriculture, and particularly cotton cultivation, is the main livelihood.

As of today, the ban on entering and leaving the city is lifted. However, the schools will be closed for two days while the damage is cleared and the situation normalizes.

As we wrote earlier, the Mediterranean cyclone Janos took two victims. The hurricane uprooted trees and caused power outages on the islands of the Ionian Sea and the Western Peloponnese. In the central part of the country it caused damage in the Karditsa and Farsala area. Water from an incoming river destroyed bridges and buildings, including the local health center in the town of Muzaki in the Thessaly region. The railway connections between Athens and Thessaloniki were also cut.
