Bulgarian woman shares about COVID-19 vaccine tests in Oxford


Maria Spirova STAFF: BTV

Clinical trials of the coronavirus vaccine have resumed in the UK. The news was confirmed by the pharmaceutical company and the University of Oxford, which is also involved in the project.

The studies were stopped after side effects were identified in one of the patients. Among the volunteers participating in the project is the Bulgarian Maria Spirova.

“I received the first dose of the vaccine on August 7. I am in one of the 11 groups that are part of the trial. My group is the one that will receive the highest dose of vaccine. I will receive the second dose this Wednesday, August 16 September, “he told This Morning.

“No one in this study knows if they are receiving the COVID-19 experimental vaccine, or an already licensed meningitis vaccine that is being given to a control group so that it can be scientifically monitored to see if people who have this experimental vaccine they actually give significantly better immune responses than people with a healthy body ”, explained Maria Spirova.

“I had the most common reaction. I maintained a higher temperature for about 40 hours, about 38 degrees, after which it decreased.” Since then, I have not received any signal from my body that something has happened to me, “he said.

According to her, the conditions for a person to participate in the project are that there are no chronic diseases, that they have good general health and that they have not found the coronavirus and, consequently, that there are no antibodies in the body.

“Now we know that the vaccine produces a good immune response and produces antibodies. However, we do not know if it produces them in a stable enough way and if I will have this protection in the next 10 months, or if it will fall very quickly. I do a PCR test all the weeks, “explained Maria Spirova.

Since March, when human vaccine trials began, 18,000 people have been injected. Among them are two that were thought to have developed a side effect. It is a kind of neurological symptom like weakened limbs.

“However, there is no evidence that these symptoms are related to the vaccine. The investigation was stopped so that the British regulatory agency could review the data. The conclusion is that there is insufficient evidence to link this person’s status to the test. of vaccines, ”explained Maria Spirova.
