How to get energy and protect it from thieves


Get at least 5 sources of joy a day

Constant mental and intellectual tension, hectic pace of life contrary to the rhythm of a normal person, stress, domestic scandals … Most people feel squeezed like a lemon and wonder where to get strength and energy for life.

There are ways to achieve this, but above all you have to take into account that energy is stolen, writes the Russian edition of “Slow”. Here are the most jealous thieves:

The lie. The more often we lie, the less is our creative energy.

Unfinished business. They suck our life force. Broken promises, debts that we do not intend to pay off, also steal energy.

Distrust and fear. They are exhausting. These include suffering and negative emotions, self-delusions.

Fierce attempts to prove you’re right fights and conflicts on this basis.

Empty calls tissue.

To offend. Including ourselves, then you rob yourself of energy. Forgive others, don’t be too demanding.

Lack of sleep and bad life habits.

Indiscriminate sex without love. In bed we exchange sensual energy, and when it is not there, there is no exchange.

According to psychologists, to maintain our strength and inner tone, we must avoid these energy vampires and learn some techniques that charge us. For example, communication.

Try to contact only people who bring you positive emotions. Minimize relationships with those who absorb your positive vibes: those who cause scandals, those who constantly complain or make you lose faith in yourself.

Search friends


that inspire you and work on themselves in this direction. Try to emphasize positivity yourself and pass it on to your loved ones.

Eat well. Health is also energy. So give up harmful products with preservatives, carbonated drinks, snacks without nutritional value, alcohol. Emphasize fruits, vegetables cooked with minimal heat treatment, steamed or grilled. Combine carbohydrates, proteins and fats appropriately. You can also take vitamins.

Communicate with nature. Instead of going to the bar, the club, or in front of the TV, take a walk in the woods, go to a lake on the outskirts of town. Water gives a lot of energy and removes the negative aspects of fatigue. Use the weekends for picnics, with family, friends or alone. Loneliness enhances the influence of natural beauty on you.

But don’t turn the hike into a heavy drinking feast, it just takes energy. If you have a villa, do garden work. Communicate with animals. Pets generously share their energy with you.

Sport is also health and health is energy. Exercise helps the body make endophrin, the happiness hormone. It is also a source of energy. It is very important to find the physical activity that you like.

If you are tortured

the exercises

The effect

it’s the other way around

Plan everything. This way you will know exactly what to do and you will not go crazy and rush by throwing forces into the wind. You will have time to rest. Make a plan for the next day and enjoy the pleasure of completing it.

Energy also infuses the comfort of the workspace: make it comfortable, with enough light and air.

Get enough sleep. Some advise that it be 5 to 6 hours and it is urgent to go to bed early. But in fact, a person determines how long it takes to get a good night’s sleep and thus gather energy. Spending excessively in bed is also exhausting.

Relaxation, meditation, yoga – these are the activities of those advanced in the search for energy. But they are not inaccessible to newbies. 15 minutes of meditation a day is enough and you can include a little yoga in your weekly fitness classes. It is one of the best ways to add energy.

Make a list of 20 to 30 actions that bring you joy and take you on a surge of energy. These can include eating, exercising, sleeping, walking, resting, communicating.

Focus on what really refreshes you, not what your mother or spouse insists on. Get at least 5 sources of joy a day.

Do not recharge with energy artificially. It’s about energy drinks, coffee abuse. They only fill up with energy in an illusory way, but they actually deplete the body. In addition, these drinks are harmful: the much more effective invigorators are freshly squeezed juices and decoctions, such as echinacea, golden root, ginseng and aloe.

Go for a walk. It is not only fresh air and physical activity, but also a sea of ​​impressions, a natural antidepressant. And depression is one of the main energy thieves. Is recommended


slowly and stop

you enjoy

to all


Man also needs spiritual energy. Its sources are:

– Thoughts: a powerful source of energy. The more negative things go through your head, the more they drain you. The positives charge you.

– Feelings: they have a similar effect. They can reduce or increase your energy potential.

– Emotion – in this sense they are no less important than the first two.

However, an important condition is not to force yourself to think positively or to repress negative feelings and emotions; let them out and it will download.

Not worth it

to live

with a fake


– It also requires energy.

If you are not positive in general, you need to study for a long time. Start with training to perceive things as they are, without any distortion on your part. Over time, you will begin to perceive them from their “pink” side and you will find the key to a positive attitude.
