Paramedics from the Yambol hospital transport patients in nylon stockings – Hospitals


Yambol’s hospitable absurdity. Paramedics carry the sick in nylon stockings. The scandalous video garnered hundreds of angry comments on social media.

Some time ago, again at Yambol Hospital, patients fell out of wheelchairs while being transported from room to room.

Incredible misery at the Varna lung disease dispensary

The Yambol district hospital is the only one in the country of the so-called ward type – ie 17 separate buildings, old and dilapidated, reports Nova TV.

The 68-year-old patient in the video was in a coma and was unfortunately unable to fight for his life. The absurd nylon transfer was filmed outraged by his son Peter on the phone.

“My father was diagnosed with lung cancer and was in poor condition. Seeing a loved one like that and dragging him to give him first aid to recover. I was forced to help the sisters themselves and we went up to the fourth floor with a tarp ”Says Petar Petkov.

The lung compartment building was built more than a century ago. Due to the steep and curved steps, patients cannot be transported on a stretcher, explained the hospital management. The building did not allow the construction of an elevator.

“The problem is for both family members and patients. The problem is also for staff, because it consumes a lot of human resources,” says Dr. Dimitar Runkov, director of MHAT “St. Panteleimon.

According to the expert, this is a problem that must be solved. It does not matter who governs and who is willing to do so.

“My problem as a manager is that I put inhumane efforts to the nurses every day. And I can say it reflects on their health. Most of them go to the hospital due to herniated discs. This is the absolute depreciation of the staff,” adds Dr. Runkov.

The stock of old buildings is also depreciated. Yambol hospital is the only one in the country of the so-called “pavilion type”. There are 17 separate buildings built between 1912 and 1980. Problems abound, admits the new director, who took over the hospital in June this year.
