New family help from BGN 610 to BGN 915, these are the conditions



“In the future, certain professions will be transformed, others will disappear, but those related to education, health and social services will be increasingly developed, both in terms of career opportunities and in terms of innovation and use of technology.” This was stated by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Denitsa Sacheva, at the opening of a seminar on distance learning models in the electronic environment and the organization of work in education in an epidemic environment, organized by the State Protection Agency of the Infancy in collaboration with the Union of Employers. the public education system, the Association of Directories in the Educational System and the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”.

“During the past months, we have actively continued our joint work with the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) to support disadvantaged children and their families. We are trying to do everything possible to create good enough conditions for continuing digital education. For 1,800 children We have provided tablets and computers, internet connection in family-type accommodation centers and host families, so that if we have to switch back to e-learning, they do not feel isolated and can continue to learn fully “. said the Minister of Labor and Social Policy.

Denitsa Sacheva recalled that for the first time the children who will be in the eighth grade will receive a one-time allocation of BGN 250. “The government has introduced a new family allowance in case children do not go to school due to quarantine or e-learning.” Its amount will be BGN 610 for families with a child under 14 years old and BGN 915 for families with two or more children, “he added.

“Together with the Ministry of Education and Science and the education unions, we have proposed the texts of the Labor Code, which guarantee that the early retirement of teachers will be made only at their request. I hope this is a step forward in improving working conditions in education, ”said Minister Sacheva. .
