Optimism cures, protects against cancer and strokes


Even sports and healthy eating won’t help if you indulge in dark thoughts. PHOTO: PIXABY

Positive thinking reduces the risk of premature death by 71%

METERLast November, Rebecca Wallerstein slipped with a wet noise in London and fell badly on her left thigh. A young man, posing as a fitness instructor, helps her to her feet and assures her that she is not broken, because otherwise the pain would be unbearable. The 50-year-old Briton limped over to the library she was heading to. It hurts, but it isn’t excruciating.

“For the next two weeks, I did not stop going to parties, it was before Christmas. I was on my feet for a long time, the trauma was tolerated with pills. I thought I only had a stretched muscle, they treated me with painkillers, ointments and compresses” He says, until December 11, when he collapses on the couch and can’t get up.

At the hospital, they photographed his legs and found a fractured femoral neck. They discovered that because of the miles of walking and the constant celebrations, the problem had worsened and the joint had to be replaced. The orthopedist claims that he has not seen a patient with such an injury stand for so long. And he explains it with his positive attitude and his belief that nothing is broken. Your GP thinks so too

Rebecca’s body

there is a fantastic

healing power

Numerous studies confirm this phenomenon. A Stanford University study of 60,000 volunteers, for example, found that those who considered themselves nephews and constantly “discovered” various diseases were 71% more likely to die prematurely, regardless of their actual condition. Daily mail.

Researchers claim that our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes directly affect health. And positive thinking has healing power and pushes the body in the right direction. There was legal experience with a group of patients who were told that they could not bear stress genetically. They cannot run for long and they suffocate quickly compared to another group who is suggested otherwise. And their indicators are actually the same.

The results of a test carried out in 2019 show that a positive attitude and a lack of stress can prolong life by 11-15% and

that kind of people

Have the opportunity of

live to 85

and more

Optimism reduces the chance of becoming young and dying of cancer, stroke, heart disease and infections by 30 percent, according to a research team from the University of Victoria, New Zealand. According to a study published in the Cyclological Bulletin, optimism can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, regardless of weight, age and habits such as smoking.

The mindset of a happy outcome acts like hypnosis. The expectation of successful development activates the brain circuits that push the body in this direction, the scientists explain.

According to a study by experts in the social and behavioral sciences at Harvard University, led by Dr. Eric Kim, optimism slows the chance of a fatal disease by eight years. His team confirms the existence of a direct and essential biological link between positivism, happiness and health.

Many doctors don’t think about this, but they should encourage positive thinking in patients along with healthy eating and physical activity, says Dr. Kim. The study was conducted among women, but the researcher says the findings apply to men as well.

According to the tests, the most optimistic women have:

– 16 percent less likely to die from cancer

– 38 percent less likely to die from heart disease

– 39 percent lower risk of stroke

– 38 percent less chance of lung disease

– 52 percent lower risk of infections.

Dr. Kim gives the following tips for a more optimistic approach to life:

You can develop this habit by writing for a week everything you have done for other people and what you are grateful for during this period – a kind of gratitude list. Name at least one good thing that happened to you during the day.

Emphasize positive developments and you will gradually get used to recognizing and repelling black thoughts as they arise.

Make a list of your strengths and describe how you can use these gifts. Describe the little things that stress you out, think about how to avoid them or perceive them positively.

Repeat optimistic expectations like “I’m getting better every day” and “I’ll take care of what happens,” and you’ll start to believe it.

Visually imagine the main goals of important areas of your life, such as work and love, and think about what to do to achieve them.

Practice meditation, in which you repeat to yourself that you like, love, and thank you for who you are. Tame anger and hatred against people and problems Try to achieve inner peace.

“We don’t know the exact reason, but our research shows that positive thinking reduces inflammation in the body and increases antioxidant levels,” said Eric Kim. “It also boosts the immune system and makes people less susceptible to illnesses like colds and flu.”
