Official: the soccer championship – Society is renewed


Youth and Sports Minister Krasen KralevBeautiful king

Krasen Kralev is the Minister for Youth and Sports.

He was born on January 2, 1967 in issued an order № RD-09-413 / 14.05.2020, which allows the renewal of the soccer championships in the First and Second Professional Leagues on 06.05.2020. Matches will be played without spectators.

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Until the start of official matches, it is permitted to organize and carry out a three-week preparatory period to restore the training of the players:

– First stage to carry out the preparatory training process in professional soccer: from 15.05.2020 to 20.05.2020, as outdoor training sessions that will be held in groups of up to 5 athletes and up to 2 coaches.

– II stage to carry out the preparatory training process in professional football: from 05.21.2020 to 05.26.2020, as outdoor training sessions to be held in groups of up to 11 athletes and up to 3 coaches.

– III stage to carry out the preparatory training process in professional football: from 27.05.2020 to 06.04.2020, as outdoor training sessions that will be carried out with the entire team. On stage it is allowed to hold control meetings without an audience to present the championship to the teams.

The stages and deadlines for preparation are fully in line with the proposal of the Bulgarian Football Union (BFU).

By 21.05.2020, the Bulgarian Football Union must propose, for coordination with the Minister of Health, a set of measures and norms against the epidemic to carry out control meetings and championship meetings.

Compliance with strict anti-epidemic measures is mandatory.

Toilets, locker rooms, waste containers, common areas, appliances, rooms and other facilities should be cleaned and disinfected at least every hour.

Dispensers, liquid soap, and disposable towels must be provided. It is not allowed to gather many people at the same time in the common areas.

The same Order of today allows the practice of collective sports for fans with up to 12 participants without competitive nature, without audience and only in open places., in accordance with all anti-epidemic measures.

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The coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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