All Karlovo hospital doctors have resigned.


Acute crisis for doctors in Karlovo after all local hospital staff resigned. The doctors and nurses were prompted by the decision of the regional crisis staff to open a new service reception office at the health center.

He is scheduled to start work on Monday, but doctors say he will double the work of the current Karlovo Emergency Service. It is unclear if there will be doctors working on it.

So far, emergency aid in Karlovo has served a population of 50,000 people. Dr. Doriana Marinova has been working at the local “Dr. Kiro Popov” hospital for 30 years and wonders why it is necessary to open a special office, since there are currently no patients returning in an emergency.

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The decision to open an emergency room was not discussed with the doctors, given that they expressed their opinion in writing two days ago.

“Our resignations were the result of the doctors who work here not wanting to listen. They did what they wanted without listening to the other side,” said Dr. Maria Abrasheva, head of the Department of Internal Affairs.

The Regional Crisis Headquarters stated that due to citizen signals about the lack of an emergency office, they decided to implement the Medical Establishments Law and open one. Emergency teams also need such an office.

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Karlovo Hospital has a separate office for coronavirus cases.

“We have an office where we screen people with fever so we don’t burden our colleagues in the emergency room.” What else can we do? ”Asks Doriana Marinova, president of the MHAT medical council” Dr. Kiro Popov “.

If a solution to the problem is not found, after the expiration of the notices, the hospital in Karlovo will be left without medical personnel.

A meeting between the doctors and the district governor is expected on Monday.
