Doctors Resigned in Karlovo – Issues in Development


16 of the 20 Karlovo hospital doctors quit because the emergency room opened two days ago. According to them, there is no need for this cabinet. They are of the opinion that it will even be difficult for medical personnel and will not lead to better service for patients, who are still cared for by the CSMP in the city.

“We do not know the reasons, no one has asked us for our opinion on whether this office is necessary or not,” said Dr. Doriana Marinova, who heads the medical board in Karlovo.

The doctors have already informed the Ministry of Health, the National Operations Headquarters, the Bulgarian Medical Union and regional governor Dani Kanazireva, of whom they want the decision to be reversed.

Dr. Marinova said the hospital manager, Dr. Hristo Pelev, was briefed on the team’s mood on May 5. However, it did not comply. “There is no response from the mayor, the City Council or the district administration,” said Dr. Marinova.

“Before, we worked in two internal departments with 17-18 people, now we are 5 people. How,” asked the head of the Internal Department, Dr. Maria Abrasheva.

“Our resignations are the result of not wanting to be heard. They did what they decided without listening to the other side,” said Dr. Abrasheva. She said that the situation in Karlovo Hospital “Dr. Kiro Popov” is such that if a doctor leaves, a whole room leaves. “The hospital is leaving,” he said.

The Regional Crisis Headquarters stated that due to citizen signals about the lack of an emergency office, they decided to implement the Medical Establishments Law and open one. Emergency crews also needed a similar cabinet.

Doctors will meet with local authorities on Monday to find a solution to the problem.
