8 people in Germany received incorrect overdose of COVID-19 vaccine – EU


Eight employees of a nursing home in Germany have received a five-dose error of the KOVID-19 vaccine, AFP reported, noting that at the moment there are no serious consequences for their health.

They are seven women and one man between 38 and 54 years old who work in a nursing home in Stralsund, in the northeast of the country. They are among the priority groups immunized with the Biontech and Pfizer vaccines. The vaccination started on Saturday.

Four of them were admitted to the hospital for observation with mild flu-like symptoms, the rest returned home.

“I am very sorry about this incident,” said Stefan Kert, administrator of the county where the house is located. According to him, these are isolated cases and are due to human error.
The German laboratory Biontech assured before the start of the immunization campaign during the weekend in several European countries that higher doses than normal were injected during clinical trials without serious side effects.

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