2-year-old Mehmed is unlikely to confirm his grandfather Mehmed’s suspicions that he was kidnapped (Obzor)


Murtaza Klechov, who found it: You can get to this place; here the kids know the area, but let the investigation establish

How will you spend the night alone? After the noise was made, the search began, the police gathered, someone got scared and left him on the road for them to see, the boy’s grandfather said.

Was little Mehmed from Yakoruda abducted, who was unknown for almost 24 hours, but was later found unharmed in the forest?

And if in the hours when the child was missing the main task was to find him, now the question is how he managed to get so far from home and spend the night alone in the mountains.

The Prosecutor’s Office began the pre-trial procedure for the disappearance of the minor, one of the main versions in which the kidnapping is being worked on. However, whether it will prevail or be found to be no crime, investigators will determine.

Mehmed Yurkin, who is 2 years and 7 months old, disappeared from his backyard in minutes. You were playing next to the sand cart and his grandmother came home for a while. Then there was no trace of the child.

More than 100 policemen, firefighters, mountain rescuers and volunteers with 3 dogs searched for him for almost 24 hours; They searched all abandoned houses, farms and buildings, including in surrounding villages, addresses in Velingrad, where the family has relatives, and the surroundings of Yakoruda.

He was accidentally discovered by the gamekeeper Murtaza Klechov on Thursday around 3:30 p.m., and the boy had disappeared the day before at 4:00 p.m.

While on duty at the entrusted security station, Murtaza could hardly have imagined that he would be in the right place at the right time, thus becoming the hero of the day and the savior of the lost child.

I was driving the official Niva down the dirt road in the Malkata Reka area and suddenly I saw a child lying on the road. I already knew that Mehmed had disappeared and immediately braked. I got out and went to him.
I hugged him,
I downloaded
my clothes and yours
I dressed. Extreme
him and mine
socks because
I was barefoot “
This is what the forester from the nearby village of Konarsko says. He had a bag of candy in his car and he gave it to the boy.

“Don’t be scared, on the contrary,” he smiled. I said, “Let me take a picture of you for Mom!” and she was happy, even in one photo she crawled out, ”adds Klechov, who has been working in the forestry system for 32 years and has been a guard for 28 years.

He did not participate in the search operation because he was at work and went to the forest area for which he is responsible. He knows the area very well and says that from Mehmed’s house in Yakoruda on a mountain road the distance to the place where he was found near the town of Buntsevo is about 2 km.

“When I hugged him, he was shaking.
I knew it was
good luck yeah
find the child.
I was glad
like when
gave birth to mine
Allah has protected him ”, Klechov is excited.

He immediately called the police in Yakoruda. He took the little boy on his lap and led the fields to Buntsevo. On the way the boy fell asleep. When he reached the square, the whole town gathered. He turned Mehmed over to the police, who transferred him to his car.

“There were scratches on the hands, but it wasn’t serious. I guess he just got to the place where I found him, because children in this area walk a lot in the woods with their parents.

However, there is an investigation, it will be determined if he was kidnapped, ”says the ranger.
There’s another way
to the area
The little river, but
it’s almost 20 km
However, Father Zia and Grandfather Mehmed insist that the boy has been kidnapped.

Behind the family home there is a dirt road that leads into the forest. However, the trail is very steep in places.

“A boy can’t walk down the road and into the forest. I think he was kidnapped. He never disappeared, he just played here. How will he spend the night alone? After the search started, the police gathered, made a noise, someone he got scared and left him on the road to be seen ”, his grandfather Mehmed is convinced.

At the same time, he has no idea who and for what reason would kidnap his grandson.
“From no one
we have no enmity
I do not know who
do “,
adds the grandfather.
In Yakoruda, people generally do not believe that such a young child can walk for miles in the mountains, spend the night outdoors barefoot, in a thin blouse when temperatures drop to nearly zero degrees at night, and be in good condition.

“At least he will be afraid, he will cry all the time. The river passes near the place where the boy was found, but it is too steep to reach him. It cannot have happened,” said the locals.

For his fragile age
they are small
that only if
to say that
had passed
However, after the initial shock, the child is expected to give some signals to draw conclusions about what happened.

One of his shoes was found on the street next to the house and the other on the dirt road. At the same time, footprints of the boy were found in the dust. It is unclear if the tracks are all the way from his home, or simply where they may have been left.

The forester, who has long experience in the forestry system at Southwestern State Enterprise’s Yakoruda division, will receive the BGN 500 award for humanity and nobility, said director Damyan Damyanov, who expressed his personal gratitude and respect to his employee for the worthy act. In an emergency.

After Klechov turned Mehmed over to the police, the boy was placed in the Razlog hospital children’s ward and spent the night with his grandmother.

“The child is fine, we will assess his condition and then decide whether to discharge him,” said the head of the department, Dr. Sonya Lilova. Mehmed will be returned to his parents and social services will provide a psychologist and provide other assistance to Fatma and Zia, who have a total of 4 children.

“Mehmed is a well-groomed child: he was fed, cleaned and bathed. He was silent, smiling and there were no visible injuries,” added the head of the Child Protection Department in Yakoruda Fatma Chaush. She noted that so far they have not received any signs of problems in the family.

The Mysterious Case of Mehmed
strangely remember
in this town
the disappearance of
4 year old Abdi
the village of Buntsevo
At the end of July 2001, Abdi’s family had gone to a meadow in the mountains to collect hay.

They let the boy sleep in the car and drove 50-60 meters to the other end of the meadow. Soon after, they learned that the boy was not in the car. A massive search of the area began, which lasted a week and in which hundreds of policemen, foresters, hunters and volunteers participated.

On the eighth day, Abdi was accidentally found by women who were going to look for mushrooms. The boy was in good health, which amazed everyone. It was also rumored at the time that Abdi had been kidnapped, cared for and abandoned for a path to be found.

However, the police closed the case with the opinion that the boy had escaped alone and there was no crime. Shortly after, Abdi’s family left Buntsevo and moved to Plovdiv.
