14 with COVID-19 in Opanets after 2 doses of Pfizer; you may not have followed the steps while the vaccine was not yet active (overview)


The most conspiratorial theory is that their vaccines were stolen and people with dementia were injected with saline.

The guarantee is not against infection, but it will pass easily, the experts are categorical

Another fear and doubt in the quality of the vaccines given against COVID-19, caused the infection of 14 immunized residents of the home for adults with dementia in the village of Opanets in Dobrich. They were given two injections of Bayontek-Pfizer.

There was even suspicion of a black market for stolen vaccines, so

in the syringes,

placed in

sick people,

there was none

Active ingredient

However, according to the doctors, there is nothing unusual about what happened in Opanets. These are people with dementia who do not take sufficient care of themselves, they are difficult to force themselves to wear masks, they do not wash their hands.

The vaccines developed qualitative protection against coronavirus on day 28 after the second application. The second dose of infected patients from the house was administered on February 26, Evelina Dimitrova, director of the house in Opanets, told 24 Chassa. This means that the people in the institution are not yet protected by the vaccine. In case of non-compliance with precautionary measures, infection despite immunization is possible, explain the doctors.

Against the conspiracy theory is the fact that despite positive tests for the coronavirus, the infection in Opanets 14 is mild. The mild cure of the disease is the main effect of vaccination in general. And indeed, the case proves that it works.

This thesis was defended in a comment on the case by Health Minister Kostadin Angelov. (See his words in the box below).

Of those infected in Opanets, 11 had no symptoms and three had a mild fever. The people were between 69 and 88 years old. Two died, but were not vaccinated and had comorbidities.

A total of 32 people have been infected with COVID-19 since the beginning of March in the home, which has 41 residents. 18 were tested on March 7 and 14, on March 14. Six of them had a mild fever and were admitted to the COVID ward of Karvuna Hospital. Three of those hospitalized were not vaccinated. The others are asymptomatic. There are also infected among the staff.

“No one can give the correct answer to the situation. Now

all people are

well they don’t

fever, respiratory problems, they eat, they are calm, ”said the director of Dimitrova.

The first symptoms in people infected in Opanets were reported on the ninth day after the second dose, said RHI-Dobrich Director Dr. Svetla Angelova.

As soon as the first sign of coronavirus was received at home, the local RHI formed a team and the next day 61 people, staff and social service users were sampled, he said. Today, all those admitted to Karvuna Hospital must be discharged, Angelova added.

The vaccine research so far has also confirmed the version that the vaccines in Opanets actually worked and protected people from the disease.

The infections that are registered in vaccinated people are a fully expected part of any process, says, for example, the position of the American Center for Infectious Diseases.

Experts explain that this is the reason why no vaccine is 100% effective in trials.

Each of the preparations applied in recent months provides about

100 percent

protection, but

against heavy


of COVID and hospitalization. No one promised that the immunized would never be infected. In the UK, which is already fully vaccinating its elderly population with AstraZeneca, there has been a significant drop in hospitalizations and a very convincing death toll. As in Israel, it vaccinated its population with that of Pfizer.

The two US-approved RNA vaccines are very effective but do not provide complete protection. The preparation of “Pfizer” after two doses gives 95% effectiveness for the prevention of diseases, and that of “Modern” – 94% after two doses. But

if you are immunized

get infected, then

it’s more common


A person can be an asymptomatic carrier and have the virus in their nostrils, so when they breathe, speak or sneeze, they can still transmit the new coronavirus to other people. That is why vaccinated people must wear masks and follow all measures.

Also, vaccines don’t work retroactively. You may have a positive test because you were infected before vaccination and you just didn’t know it yet.

This happened to healthcare workers in a study published Monday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 22 of 4,081 vaccinated doctors tested positive after receiving the first dose.

Because of all this there is another unanswered question: the call. vaccination certificates can and should be used as a guarantee that their holder does not pose a threat to others. So far there is no proof of this.

The case has shown that vaccines protect against serious diseases

The case of the village of Opanets showed that the vaccinated person may be a carrier of the virus or have mild symptoms, but will not die or have a complication. This was commented by the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov, after it became clear that 14 of the residents of the home for adults with dementia in the town of Opanets have a positive result for the coronavirus, although they have been vaccinated with a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

“Vaccinated people can transmit the virus, this is the case with Opanets,” he explained, adding that 12 of those infected have no symptoms and are well. Only two had a mild cough and fever. In contrast, the remaining 17 infected who were not vaccinated had more severe cases. There is a deceased outside of them, who did not vaccinate either.

A large representative study in the UK showed for the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines that the risk of hospitalization after the first dose on day 28-34 is reduced by 100%, ie. anyone who is vaccinated will not make it to the hospital. You can get infected, spread the virus, develop a mild condition, but you will not get seriously ill, “the minister recalled.

He also set an example for medical personnel about the effect of vaccines.

Unlike the two previous waves, the advantage of the current one is that most of them are already fully vaccinated and there are fewer and fewer sick and sick doctors. In a situation where hospitals are full again and beds fill up quickly and run out, healthy doctors are even more important to overcome the third wave.

The data also shows a double jump in the number of Bulgarians who want to be vaccinated, added Professor Angelov. With an initial rate of about 30 percent at the end of December, 63% is now willing. “I thank everyone who complies with the measures and believes in science,” Minister Angelov said.
