“The Arkansas Cancer Clinic is proud to serve patients like you,” Atik wrote in a Christmas message to patients. A large part of the arrears owed to patients will be paid through health insurance. Even so, owning one is still out of reach for the average person. Unfortunately, our healthcare system is being managed in this way. However, Arkansas Cancer Clinic has decided that the clinic will no longer have to pay back patients. Merry Christmas to you. ‘
“Dr. Atiq is a caring person,” said B. Chizman, president of RMC of America, an organization that collects arrears. He and his family have done a wonderful job forgiving patient arrears. Because those patients have more challenges than other people, especially in this epidemic.
David Rotten, executive vice president of the Arkansas Medical Society, said: “Omar Atiq is the smartest doctor I have ever met. He is also the most understanding doctor that I know of.