US Elections: Who is Winning in Which State? 972395 | Voice of tomorrow


The results of the American elections have begun to emerge. The trend so far has been between two rivals, Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The results are as expected in the opinion polls before the vote. So far there have been no major incidents.

260 votes are needed to win. The total number of electoral college votes is 537. Both Trump and Biden are still far behind 260. Trump has received 213 votes so far in a close contest. Biden won by 228 votes.

The votes of the electoral colleges depend on the different states. California Electoral College Vote 55. Vote again at Florida Electoral College 29. Who will sit on the president’s throne will depend on who does well in which state. Both Trump and Biden remain optimistic about winning.

Trump’s biggest victories so far are Florida and Texas. He received 29 votes from Florida. He received 36 votes from Texas. Texas has always been a solid base for Republicans. Additionally, states like Louisiana, North and South Dakota, Indiana, Kansas, South Carolina, Alabama, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Montana, Lower have been occupied by Trump.

On the other hand, Biden got 55 votes by winning California. Also, Biden has won important places like New York, Washington. Biden has occupied states such as Colorado, District of Columbia, New Mexico, Virginia, Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland, New Hampshire.

Of these, New Hampshire is the most important. This state is called the state of oscillation. Both parties tried to get votes in this state. The swing is towards Biden. The more undecided votes you can get, the more certain your victory will be.

Source: Deutsche Welle.
