Troubled merchants with sacks and buckets full of money!


Khairul Islam Khabir, 45, a vegetable trader in Mohammadpur, Magura, has problems with money in sacks and buckets.

He is in danger with four annas, eight annas, one taka and two taka coins (coins) weighing around six thousand rupees. So much money now is useless.

He collected coins by trading vegetables at Mohammadpur Sadar Bazar. He is the son of the late Zahur Fakir from the village of Jangalia in Khabir upazila.

A visit to the home of businessman Khabir revealed that 4 buckets and two sacks have been filled with coins taken from buyers and beggars over the past 10 years. The amount is about 60 lakhs. He took the coins from the beggars, but now no one wants to take them away.

As a result, you are in dire straits with these six pound coins of different denominations. He used to sell vegetables with coins from the beggars, since no other merchant in the market took money from them. He didn’t realize then that coins would become obsolete at some point.

“By benefiting the poor, I myself am now in extreme danger,” Khabir said. Entrepreneurial capital is stagnant. Although I took it to many people, I was not able to execute the coins. I know that no bank will accept this huge amount of money anymore.

I am concerned that these 60 lakhs coins are idle in the house. He is having a hard time with his family of four, including his wife and two sons and daughters. I would have benefited a lot if I had obtained the exchange value of these coins.

Mofazzal Hossain Mollah, Chairman of Mohammadpur Bazar Banik Samiti, said: “I have come to know that Khabir has currency problems.” Needless to say, these coins are no longer used. Talking to different banks will try to solve the problem.

Abdul Matin, manager of Mohammadpur Sonali Bank, said: “If businessman Khabir contacts me about this, the coins will be taken away after talking to higher authorities.”
