The girls complained of rape when the relationship broke up!


The statements of the responsible leader in India caused commotion

At first, the relationship was formed with the consent of the girls. Later, when there was bitterness about it, the girls complained of rape. Remarks by the head of the Chhattisgarh Women’s Commission in India on Saturday sparked a new controversy in the country.

According to the ‘Ei Samay’ media outlet, in a country like India, complaints of violence against women, rape and indecency are filed every day in all states. Again, many incidents do not come to light for a long time. It came to light after the girl’s suicide or the defendant’s second rape, sparking a storm of criticism from those responsible.

At a press conference the same day, Kiranmoy Naik, director of the Chhattisgarh Women’s Commission, said that if a married man has an affair with a girl, the girl must understand that the man is lying to her. If the relationship is going well, no problem. If not, the girls file a complaint.

He said that most of the time the relationship is formed with the consent of the girls. It’s also about living at home. After the relationship broke up, the girls filed a rape complaint. We often talk to girls and boys. We try to understand them through counseling.

According to the National Bureau of Criminal Records, in 2019 6 rapes were reported per day in India. Around 4 lakh of complaints of abuse against women have been filed during the year. Compared to 2016, it has increased by about 6 percent.
