Public Health will deliver the sample kit to the government on April 7


Public health The government has released blood samples from five people infected with coronavirus to the public health center. Thya reached the final stages of developing a kit to identify the center of the coronavirus. 11, the required sample kit can be made in April, said the Center for Public Health and an administrator Zafarullah Chowdhury.

Jafarullah Chowdhury told First Light on Wednesday night that officials from the Department of Drug Administration visited the Public Health Laboratory on Tuesday afternoon. The government then released blood samples from five people suffering from crowns that night. The investigation into them is now underway. On April 7, some sample kits will be delivered to the government.

Zafarullah, the founder of the Public Health Center, said that after obtaining a blood sample, the job of making the Rapid Dot Blot Kit (G Rapid Dot Blot) was almost done. The sample will be released to the government, as well as to the World Health Organization (WHO) and other agencies, so that everyone can prove its effectiveness.

Last month, the Center for Public Health said it would develop a simple and cost-effective method of evaluating Covid-I disease. On March 6, the Public Health Center met with senior officials from the government’s Administration of Drug Administration and requested permission to import the ingredients or reagents needed for the kit. Later, on March 3, the government allowed the import of kit-making material to the public health center.

Last Sunday, a kit-making material or reagent arrived in the country from China for a coronavirus screening test at the Public Health Center. Jafarullah Chowdhury said that all the preparations for the kit were made in advance. They were waiting for the kit manufacturing material.

Currently, the PCR method used to detect the coronavirus is expensive. The PCR method was tested with the nose, buccal saliva. However, it is possible to detect the disease on the first day of the coronary attack. And a drop in the Public Health Center kit will be analyzed for blood. For this, enough antibodies must be produced in the body of the affected person. As a result, the public health kit will be effective on the third day of the test.

Zafarullah said that the coronavirus can be detected at a very low cost in 5 to 5 minutes with a public health kit. The cost will be from 1 to 5 taka.
