Police want Irfan and his bodyguard to remain in pre-trial detention for 14 days


Statement of four cases presented at the Chawkbazar police station
On October 28, a RAB-3 team went to Chan Sardar Dadabari, a house number 27 in Devidas Ghat Lane, Chawkbazar, after receiving information that some people were keeping a large quantity of drugs. When they arrived at the scene around 12:30 pm, the two ran to the top of the building. Then they surrounded the building. Subsequently, the RAB conducted a search in the presence of four witnesses. Md. On the west side of the room on the right side of the door on the fourth floor of the building. They have Jahidul Mollah.

During the search for Jahidul Mollah’s body, 406 yaba pills were recovered from an airtight clear plastic package with a black foreign pistol and a white zipper. Two ‘touch phones’ were recovered from the two pockets. It is located across the four floors of the building. Irfan Selim (38). The gun was found under the right side of his personal bed mattress. Jahidul Mollah and Irfan Selim both have pistols of the same brand.

The items seized included a compressed air pistol, two black knives, a Chinese ax, 36 different brands of black batteries and chargers, a walkie-talkie, a briefcase with handcuffs, a camera drone, beer and liquor. The RAB wrote that when the defendants were asked about illegal weapons, ammunition and drugs, no satisfactory answer or valid documents were found.

On the night of October 25, the RAB raided the home of Irfan’s father, ruling party deputy Haji Selim, in Bara Katra in Old Dhaka on Monday after striking naval officer Wasif Ahmed Khan. At the time, a mobile RAB court sentenced Irfan Selim to one year in prison for drug possession. He was sentenced to six months in prison for possessing an illegal walkie-talkie. Irfan’s bodyguard said. Zahid was sentenced to six months in prison for carrying a walkie-talkie.
