It was known that those of the country will be vaccinated against corona for free


Scientists around the world hope to discover a vaccine that is safe to use in the human body and capable of successfully countering the coronavirus. Many companies are in the process of experimenting with their vaccines in humans.

But in the meantime, several Western countries have agreed to millions of vaccine doses in advance.

For example, the UK alone has contracted 340 million dose tickers with various pharmaceutical companies.

The government has said that Bangladesh is also in contact with vaccine-producing countries in various ways and is ready to buy the vaccine.

The Health Minister told reporters that a plan has been drawn up on who will have priority in distributing coronavirus vaccines.

Who will get the first vaccine, how will it be distributed?
Health Minister Zahid Malek said doctors, members of the military, the elderly, journalists and school teachers will have priority once a successful vaccine is introduced. He told reporters at a workshop at the secretariat on Sunday.

Director General of the Department of Health. Abul Bashar Mohammad Khurshid Alam said: “We have prepared a flow chart. A draft strategy has been prepared on how to get the vaccine, how to administer it. It will be finished in two or three days.”

A detailed strategy has been developed on the recommendation of a government-constituted technical committee made up of health experts to deal with coronavirus infection.

The head of the committee, the professor. Shah Monir Hossain said: “The draft has been prepared on how to store the vaccine, how to distribute it, who will have priority, how to select them, how to communicate with them, financial matters and many more.”

Who will have priority
Some ideas for the draft were found by talking with some members of the committee. They did not want to be named. They say that three types of people will have priority.

In the first stage, there is a person who is working at the forefront to deal with the coronavirus.

Like doctors and other health workers, members of the forces of order. In the second stage, priority will be given to people over 65 years of age who present comorbidity.

That is, people suffering from various complex diseases such as kidney problems, heart problems, etc., who are at high risk of being infected with coronavirus.

The third step will be those over 65 years of age. Then the rest will be considered considering the amount of quote doses.

Get them for free
These three types of people will get this vaccine for free from the government.

However, it is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving office, he said it is unclear whether the private sector will have the opportunity to sell vaccines to the private sector after vaccinating them on a priority basis.

Committee members said the government hopes to get three million vaccines at first.

Previously, the Minister of Health had said that the government was more interested in obtaining the vaccine at a lower price and that is why it was in contact with five countries.

How verification and vaccination will be prioritized
The vaccination program has a good reputation in the country. The government is thinking of vaccinating against coronavirus like those programs. They will be administered by setting up vaccination centers in different districts.

People over 65 who have comorbidity may need to get information from the hospital, they can communicate with themselves, especially those with first degree priority. However, this question is not entirely final.

Monitoring the effectiveness of ticks
However, many health experts around the world have expressed concern about the efficacy of this vaccine in the body of the elderly.

Member of the government’s clinical management committee on coronavirus. MA Fayez says: “The vaccine for coronavirus is the vaccine for adults. How many doses it will have, it is not clear if more doses will be needed after the first dose.”

According to him, “the most important thing is that they will need a follow-up. Due to the success of the vaccine, if there are side effects in the body, how many antibodies are produced in the body, these are long-term observations.”

However, he says, “it should not be assumed that life has returned to its previous level by bringing some vaccines. Vaccination is part of public health prevention. It is not the only or the main way. There are many diseases that have vaccines. but nevertheless, the disease is on the ground. “

Since adults are at higher risk of contracting coronavirus, he says, the vaccine should be beneficial for them.

“But they have low immunity. So if the vaccine is effective at all, what kind of immunity is developing after vaccination will require long-term monitoring. It is a continuous process. Furthermore, the genetic makeup of Bengalis is also important. “.

However, since the government’s strategy is still in the draft stage, none of this is final.

Source: BBC
