Indecent message, Sravanti’s complaint to the High Commission 955253 | Voice of tomorrow


For a long time, indecent messages of various numbers arrived in Bangladesh. Actress Sravanti Chatterjee complained to the Bangladesh High Commissioner for action.

Sravanti said: “They sent me messages from a few numbers day after day using very unpleasant words. It lasted a long time. We spoke badly of our country. No WhatsApp, just message after message. I blocked many times, again I sent a message from another number. Al At first I didn’t care, then one day I went to look at the phone and I thought, what’s going on!

“My husband Roshan said action must be taken,” she said. That is not right. If action is taken against one person, the rest will remain silent. Those who do this also have mothers and sisters at home. How can you insult a girl? After that, I decided not to complain to Roshan any more. Since we have people we know in Bangladesh, I complain to the High Commissioner of Bangladesh through them. Because enduring injustice for a long time is also a crime.

Sravanti Chatterjee said: “I am making a movie called Demo. Filming is over, there is only one song left. Once this is done, the movie will be released.

By the way, Srabonti had previously worked on a Bangladeshi film called ‘If One Day’.
