This time Digital Desk: As the risk of asthma and arthritis increases in winter, so does the risk of heart attack. Studies have shown that the risk of heart disease increases as mercury decreases. Therefore, the risk of heart attack is higher in winter than in summer, the researchers said. Temperatures, wind speed and relative humidity increase, but the risk of heart attack increases. Therefore, the risk of heart attack is increasing with each season. Therefore, the risk of heart disease is higher in the rainy season than in the hot season. However, this risk increases more in winter.
The body’s blood vessels contract to cope with the cold. Which reduces the temperature of the skin and increases the blood pressure in the arteries. This can lead to tremors, increased metabolic rate and even heart attacks, experts say. Experts say that due to the change of climate in winter, our body also undergoes various changes. As the temperature drops, so does the heart’s need for oxygen and blood circulation. Many times our heart does not get enough oxygen. In addition to this, multiple problems also occur, such as blood pressure and cholesterol. Therefore, a healthy and controlled lifestyle is very necessary to avoid the risk of heart attack at this time.
Those with a weak heart need special care during winter. They need to exercise regularly. To avoid extreme weather, that is, cold or fog in the morning, one has to make small changes in routine. To keep your heart healthy, you need to eat antioxidant-rich foods – antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. You should also take into account drinking water and eating salt. Because drinking too much salt and water can cause problems.
It is important to stop smoking, exercise regularly, eat fruits, control sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol levels. Following these can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease. For those who are prone to inherited heart attacks, regular heart check-ups are very important. Because hereditary heart disease is also one of the reasons for fear. Reduce if you are overweight. These few lifestyle changes will lower blood pressure and keep your heart healthy. According to the recent ‘Hypertension Guidelines’, the upper limit of blood pressure has changed from 140/90 to 130/80. People with high blood pressure can change their lifestyle or take medicine to see a doctor to keep their heart healthy.
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