Dismissed DIG has earned Rs 60 lakh in jail


He earned 60 lakh rupees while in jail. The ACC says the money was embezzled through bribery and corruption while on duty in different jails.

On Wednesday, the court ordered trial in the case to begin. Perth had requested a waiver of the case even after being caught with money. Although the court did not take knowledge of the matter.

Perth Gopal Banik. He has made a lot of money while in jail. After being caught in the ACC network, they raided his home and found Rs 60 lakh in cash. The ACC team hastily dumped the bag full of money on the roof of the house next door. The accusation against him is that he earned this money through bribes and irregularities while serving in different prisons.

On Wednesday, the court ordered the trial of the merchant in the case. The state’s attorney said the ransacked DIG prisons kept the money at home instead of keeping it in the bank to smuggle it abroad.

ACC lawyer Khurshid Alam said: অভিযোগ Charges have been brought against him. Reports of known illicit assets, complaints of abuse of power as a public servant and complaints of money laundering and bribery.

The court rejected the statement of the Perth Gopal lawyer seeking the exemption of the case.

The defendant’s lawyer, Ehsanul Haque Samaji, said: “We have told the wise court that the charge is unfounded and that the defendant deserves to be acquitted.” The wise court heard the statements of both parties and after hearing the wise court denied our request.

Testimony in the case was set for November 18.
