Bangladesh has asked the BSF to start a border operation


The Director General said that the BGB has two helicopters, up-to-date and effective anti-tank weapons, Armed Personnel Carrier (APC), anti-riot vehicle, all-terrain vehicle, high-powered high-speed boat, interceptor boat and utility boat. In addition, about 70 km of the border area of ​​Bangladesh with India and Myanmar has been included in the “Intelligent Border Surveillance and Response System”.

This year, 59 people were awarded medals in four categories for heroism and meritorious deeds in various activities. Among the recipients, 10 received the Bangladesh Border Guard Medal (BGBM), 20 received the Presidential Border Guard Medal (PBGM), 10 received the Bangladesh Border Guard Service Medal (BGBMS) and 19 received the Presidential Border Guard Medal (PGBMS).

Present on the occasion were the secretary of the Department of Public Security of the Ministry of the Interior, senior officials of the Ministry of the Interior, officials of all levels of the BGB, soldiers and civilian employees.
