“America-Iran-India wants to bring our kit” – Dainik Amader Shomoy


Founder and Trustee of the Public Health Center. Jafrullah Chowdhury. Stock Image

The United States, Iran and India have expressed interest in taking the coronavirus identification kit manufactured by the public health center, said the founder and administrator of the public health center, Dr. Jafrullah Chowdhury. He was on his cell phone Monday night Daily our time Count these things.

Jafrullah Chowdhury said: ‘I received a call from America. They will test it with this kit. Iran, India wants to bring our kit. But the health department of his own country is not giving it importance. This is a sad thing. But we will wait. “

The founder of the Public Health Center said: ‘Many countries around the world have shown interest in our kits. But in the interest of business, our Drug Administration Department is delaying testing the kit. I called him before the press conference for DG Medicine Administration, I texted him. But he didn’t speak to me. If the DG had spoken to me, he would not have made the mistake he did.

A doctor at the public health center said the World Health Organization will take the kit. They will verify it and report the result.

He also said he will approach Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to test the kit made by the public health center. Jafrullah Chowdhury.
