The minimum investment required to leave the bond


The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), the capital market regulator, has adopted a new strategy to increase banking investment in the stock market and diversify its products. For this, BSEC has established two conditions for the approval of bonds from different banks. Banks whose bonds have been approved and will receive in the future must meet these two conditions.

According to BSEC sources, the bank bonds approved since last December have the condition of being listed on the Stock Market. In addition, the condition of the bank’s obligation to invest up to Rs 200 million in the stock market is also met. In February last year, Bangladesh Bank offered each of the banks a special fund of Tk 200 crore on the stock market. Now the BSEC says that to get a new bond approval, the bank in question has to invest Rs 200 million in the stock market.

Banks whose bonds have been approved since last December have received these two conditions. The BSEC says that from now on, the banks that will go to the BSEC to raise capital must meet these two conditions. Last February, Bangladesh Bank offered to establish a special fund to increase the bank’s investment in the stock market to avoid a collapse. But for banks it was optional. As a result, most banks did not take advantage of this opportunity.
