A RAJUK official said on condition of anonymity that there is no rule for allocating flats without a lottery. This irregularity has been carried out through the RAJUK board of directors meeting for a year and a half to two. As a result, anyone who could get a lakeside or south-facing apartment in the lottery lost that opportunity – in a word, they were deprived. Because there is no difference in the price of the apartments depending on the location. The price for a ground floor north flat or a south facing eight story lakeside flat is also the same.
Another RAJUK official said the 271 apartments included applicants who had previously been assigned an apartment in the project area in a lottery. But he didn’t like the location of the flat. After lobbying, he took the flat of his choice.
The RAJUK president chaired the council meeting. Now Saeed Nur Alam is in charge of the president. When asked about floor assignments without a lottery, he said it wasn’t supposed to happen. He will study the matter.
The floor allocation process.
The Uttara project is the largest of RAJUK’s apartment projects. The area of each apartment here is 1,620 square feet (360 square feet with common space). RAJUK has already completed the housing allocation works in 59 of the 69 buildings. Of the 20 remaining buildings, 14 have been completed. The construction of six buildings is still in progress. Now the price to buy a flat is around 75 lakh rupees. There is the possibility of returning this money in installments. Any Bangladeshi citizen (with income) over the age of 25 can apply subject to certain conditions.