Locals are warned not to enter the border illegally


The Director General of BGB urged BGB members to strive to fulfill any responsibilities entrusted to them by the government in the coming days with the highest priority in protecting health in the global corona epidemic. He called on BGB members to perform their duties with honesty, dedication and self-confidence.

At the end of the court, rank insignia were awarded to those promoted from Honorary Deputy Chief to Honorary Deputy Director and from Honorary Deputy Director to Honorary Deputy Director. Best Recruit Instructor, Outstanding Achievement in Training, Team Awards and Individual Awards at the National and International Level, Award for Outstanding Performance in Operational Activities, Prevention of Smuggling and Drug Detention, Award for Best Battalion and Runner-up, Award for Best Company and BOP Commanders, Testimonies were provided that included administrative and operations insignia of the Director General.

Apart from this, cake cuts and banquets have been organized in all BGB regions, sectors, battalions and institutions, including Peelkhana, on the occasion of the BGB Day celebrations.

After the Maghreb prayers, milad and special prayers will be offered in all BGB mosques in accordance with hygiene rules.
