Trump is still trying to tangle


After the last Electoral College vote, Senator Mitch McConnell had no chance to wait. Now it is almost impossible to present a logical objection to the electoral vote in the joint session of Congress after the leader of the Republican Party resigned from the Senate. Rebecca Green, head of the William and Mary School of Law, says Trump’s legal battle to change the election results has failed. He said not for not trying, but for lack of evidence.

In the past six weeks, the Supreme Court has thrown out the Trump camp case twice. Federal and state courts have thrown out 70 post-election Trump camp cases. Georgia and Wisconsin saw no difference in election results, despite repeated rounds of vote counting.

Even then, the Trump camp didn’t stop. White House press secretary Kylie McNane was questioned yesterday at a press conference. When asked about President Trump’s attitude after the election, the press secretary said Trump is still fighting. He described the electoral vote as a constitutional movement. Press Secretary Kylie McNaney has made it clear that Trump will not stop.
