Gas cylinder explosion in Gazipur burned 3


Three people were burned when a gas cylinder exploded in a home in the Chakraborty Coral Housing area of ​​Gazipur City Corporation. The incident took place on Friday afternoon.

The three burned are Abdur Rashid, 50, owner of the house, Tahmina Akhter, 30, and Shariful Islam, 20, tenants of the next room.

According to the tenants of the house, a factory worker named Sabuj Hossain lives in a room in Abdur Rashid’s house. On Thursday she got a green vacation and moved into her hometown. Noticing that gas was coming out of the room on Friday afternoon, the owner of the house, Abdur Rashid, broke the lock on his room and tried to enter. Tahmina Akhter and Shariful Islam, the tenants in the room next to him, went into the room to light the lamp and the gas cylinder exploded. All three were burned. They were subsequently rescued by local people and admitted to the Zia Hospital in the Jirani area.

Burned Abdur Rashid said the explosion occurred when they entered the room and turned on the lights.

Referring to the doctor, the owner of the Zia Islam hospital said that 47 percent of Tahmina’s body and 35 percent of Rashid’s body were burned in the fire. And Shariful was slightly burned. The burned Tahmina and Rashid have been sent to Dhaka.
