Airmen must wear diapers in China


China issues new guidelines for pilots The Beijing Ministry of Civil Aviation has instructed flight attendants to wear diapers when traveling to or from countries where the risk of coronary heart disease is high. The 36-page guide clearly states what flight attendants should look for. One of which is diapers. They have also been told not to use the bathroom to avoid infection.

What else does the staff have to stay on the plane? The guide mentions medical protective masks, goggles. There is also talk of “disposable” medical rubber gloves, caps, clothing and overshoes. However, the diaper instructions are only for members of the aircraft crew. The pilots have been told not to use it. But they must also wear goggles and masks.

It is also said that there will be four zones inside the aircraft: clean area, buffer zone, passenger seating area and quarantine area. The guidelines also call the last three rows “Emergency Quarantine Areas”. Beijing wants to take such precautions to avoid airborne infections.

Since the coronavirus infection began in December last year, it has spread across the world. China’s air services were damaged at the time, but now they are normal. Especially in the case of domestic flights. However, international flights to China are closed in many countries. However, Beijing has gradually begun to communicate by air with various countries.

Source: News Daily
