Melania tells Trump to accept defeat


Trump’s two sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, are pressuring allies to continue the fight. They are urging Republicans and Trump supporters to reject the direct result. Biden’s victory was predicted in the American media, including CNN, on Saturday.

When the election results were announced on Saturday, Trump went golfing in Virginia. CNN says Trump has not personally rejected the election results, but has been rejecting them outright. However, he seeks legal action against his attorneys. He gave no sign of accepting the election results.

Jason Miller, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, denied Kushner’s defeat in a tweet on Sunday. He says the story is not true. He says Donald Trump’s adviser Kushner has called for all kinds of legal solutions to perfect the election.

Shortly after announcing Biden as the 47th president of the United States, Trump said in a statement that the winner was being quickly rewarded in error. The election is not over yet. He will not rest until the votes have been properly counted.
