Iran and Russia are interfering in the US vote. The US intelligence office said this at a regular press conference. They claim that the confidential information of American voters is in the hands of Iran and Russia. You are trying to influence a section of voters through the use of that information. It is also alleged that they are trying to intimidate voters by sending false emails and messages.
US intelligence chief John Radcliffe called a surprise press conference on Wednesday. He said they had long feared that Iran, China and Russia were collecting classified information from American voters. They had previously made a statement in this regard. On the same day, the intelligence chief said that Russia and Iran had secret information about voters. They are intimidating voters through emails and messages. Fake emails are being sent on behalf of “Proud Boys”. That said, if you don’t vote for Trump, we will come to your house. In other words, an atmosphere is being created where Trump seems racist. In this way, it tries to create a kind of fear among American voters, according to the intelligence department.
American elections in the eyes of cartoonists
The state of war
Joe Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris said Donald Trump wanted to win the election in a dirty way. His attitude seems to have been reflected in a painting by the German artist Jens Creek. The fact that Trump doesn’t care about anyone is revealed in this movie
American elections in the eyes of cartoonists
Campaign for Trump
Trump has always referred to himself as the best in his campaign Such as: “You will not find anti-apartheid people like me”, “No one respects women like me” and “A good president like me will never come to America.” Which is the reason? Take a look at the picture
American elections in the eyes of cartoonists
Television debate
Through this photo, the Czech artist Marian Kamensky asks the world, where is the culture of the debate of the American elections located? Instead of political rhetoric in this debate, the two sides were busy insulting each other.
American elections in the eyes of cartoonists
‘Sleeping Joe’ and the clown
Trump called Biden a “sleeping old man” and a “puppet of the far left.” Biden, on the other hand, attacked Trump as a racist, liar, clown, and the worst president of the United States. Controversy over a painting by the Italian artist Crystal
American elections in the eyes of cartoonists
Behave like a child
The people of Africa also consider Trump’s behavior childish Burkina Faso cartoonist Damien Glaze wants Trump to be in power at any cost, like a child.
American elections in the eyes of cartoonists
Gorzilla’s first Japanese film was released in 1954. The path Gorzilla would go would leave its ruins Trump is portrayed as a gargoyle by Japanese cartoonist Takeshi Kishino.
American elections in the eyes of cartoonists
Allies when the enemy of the enemy
The favorite choice of Trump’s statesmen is to ‘show democracy’ Such as: Putin, Erdogan, Kim Jong Un That is why the cartoon of the Dutch cartoonist Jared Rowards shows them as ‘Alpha Mails’.
American elections in the eyes of cartoonists
No in favor of voting by mail!
Voting by mail would be fraudulent, Trump said. It has even slashed funding for the postal service. Most Democrats are willing to vote this way to avoid coronary heart disease. Marian Kamensky’s cartoon shows Trump’s behavior
American elections in the eyes of cartoonists
Eternal kingdom
Trump has questioned why no president can run in the third round under the U.S. Constitution. Do you want to be president forever? The painting of the German cartoonist Christian Folman reveals that possibility
Sources said there are several such emails and messages recently from Florida and Pennsylvania. He found. After that, the intelligence chief quickly organized a press conference. He assured voters that no one should listen to those messages. But the question is, how did Iran and Russia get the information? How are they operating?
Several months after the elections, the US president himself fired cannons at Russia, Iran and China. That said, spies from these countries are working on the United States vote. The president also alleged that there was a conspiracy against him. After that, heading into the vote, Democrats began to question the intelligence chief’s press conference. According to them, the theory of such conspiracies is coming to the fore as Trump’s popularity wanes. But with all this, Democrats claim that Trump’s vote cannot be increased.
SG / GH (Reuters, DPA)