Going to clean the sewer, the giant rat was caught! Everyone’s eyes widen at the size


Own report– What a big rat! It’s possible? Watching from a distance, the cleaners first wiped their eyes with their hands. Even after that, they have to turn back to what they saw. A giant rat is sitting in the water in the sewer. Huge rats. The cleaners began to tremble with fear. But in the end, they pulled the rat out of the sewer. Only then did everything become clear. Although it looks exactly like a real rat, it is not real at all. False rats. But there is no way to understand it. Such an extraordinary work.

The case of Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. While cleaning a sewer there, the cleaners saw the giant rat. Seeing such a large rat, at first all eyes filled with tears. They finally pulled the rat out of the sewer. It is known that the rat was made by someone with cloth and cotton. That giant rat was made for Halloween. Then it is discarded. Somehow that huge rat got trapped in that part of the sewer. So the sewer system for that sewer was also damaged. On this day, the cleaners cleaned 22 tons of waste.

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The workers kept the rat on the road and cleaned it with water. The crowd has gathered to see that huge rat. Many have shared images of the rat on social media. Many have said that there is no way to understand what a fake rat is. Meanwhile, a woman is known to have claimed that the rat is his. She claims to have done the rat. She added that she did not let go of the rat. It got lost. The woman, named López, claimed that the rat, which was made a year ago, fell into the sewer one day. Then it floats in the rainwater. After that, she repeatedly asked the authorities to clean the drain, but no one came. That is what he has stated.
