Phosphine gas has been found on Venus; Scientists claim that gas is associated with living things on Earth. This claim by scientists has introduced new ideas about the existence of life on the planet closest to Earth. A report from the French news agency AFP said on Monday.
As for the temperature of Venus, it is said that this planet has a high temperature; It is usually like a heated furnace for melting lead. Scientists say that the temperature of Venus is 474 degrees Celsius. The chances of life surviving at this temperature are extremely slim.
Using a telescope in the Atacama, Hawaii, and Chile, a team of experts observed the cloud cover of Venus. They claim that they have been able to detect the existence of phosphine gas.
The smell of this discolored gas is like the smell of garlic and rotten fish. On Earth, it generally occurs naturally from decaying bacteria or organic matter.
Alan Duffy, an astronomer at Swinburne University and chief scientist at The Royal Institution in Australia, said:
However, in a Nature Astronomy paper, the scientists emphasize that the presence of phosphine alone does not prove the existence of life on Venus.
Astronomers are very interested in Venus. It is a planet very close to Earth; Which is almost equal to the size of the Earth. In the past, scientists around the world have obtained new information about the existence of life on this planet.
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