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Tigers roam the town.


An image of a tiger dog has spread on social media. Photo: collected


An image of a tiger dog has spread on social media. Photo: collected

The royal Bengal tiger roams the town! Anyone looking at it from a distance or seeing it suddenly will be scared. The mistake that can easily cause your claim to be rejected is failing. A person in Malaysia has turned a dog into a tiger in a funny way.

Images of the dog dressed as a tiger have spread on the country’s social networks. Internet users in that country have been making noise all day on the subject. Many have shared photos of dogs.

A Malaysian animal rights group has also shared a photo of the dog. But not for humor, they are sharing the images on their Facebook page and demanding punishment for the person responsible for such acts.

It is written on the company’s Facebook page, it is not appropriate to do this act in a fun way. This color can cause serious damage to the dog’s skin. Interesting rewards will be given if the accused can be located. The company has also opened a hotline on WhatsApp for communication.

Meanwhile, many netizens have expressed their disgust at the treatment of innocent dogs. They also demanded severe punishment after the arrest of the accused.
