Somehow he managed to get a Bangladeshi passport and once emigrated to Saudi Arabia; But now the government is forced to bring back to Bangladesh several expatriate Saudi Rohingya who have been caught in a crime and are now in jail. The Saudi government is pressuring Bangladesh to return not only Rohingya with Bangladeshi passports, but also imprisoned Rohingya who do not have a passport. In this context, a virtual meeting between Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia at the level of foreign ministers is scheduled to be held next Sunday.
The Saudi government is known to be trying to return Rohingya with Bangladeshi passports to Bangladesh, while at the same time pressuring the Bangladeshi government to issue Bangladeshi passports to some 54,000 ‘stateless’ Rohingya residing in Saudi Arabia. It also threatens to return 2.2 million Bangladeshis living in Saudi Arabia if the 54,000 Rohingya are not returned.
Foreign Minister. AK Abdul Momen told reporters at the Foreign Ministry on Thursday that “30-40 years ago, in 1986, when the Rohingya were being persecuted, the then-King of Saudi Arabia announced that he would give refuge to many.” So many Rohingya go to Saudi Arabia. It was in the early eighties. They have been there between 30 and 40 years. His sons and daughters were born and raised in that country. He knows the culture of that country, says Arab. None of them know Bengali. He never came to Bangladesh. But they don’t have a passport. There is. ‘
“Saudi Arabia has told us that they do not keep ‘stateless’ people in their country,” he said. They say, since many of the Rohingya have come from their country. If you issue your passports.
“We have told (Saudi Arabia) that if they have ever had a Bangladeshi passport before or if they can show any evidence that they were in Bangladesh at any time, we will definitely issue their passport,” he said. How do we do it differently?
“Secondly, they (the Saudis) have said that the issue of passports does not mean that we will deport them to their country,” he said. Since we do not have any “stateless persons” in our country, we want a passport for them. We are talking. “
The Foreign Minister said: “Of course, 472 Bangladeshis are Rohingya, they say (Arabia). Speaking of them, you (Bangladesh) take it. 482 people are now in jail for various crimes. Meanwhile, we have verified them with The mission. About 60 to 70 of them had Bangladeshi passports. We don’t know the rest. We will bring those who had Bangladeshi passports with ‘travel documents’. But why are we bringing the ones who don’t? We are arguing. “
When asked why Saudi Arabia does not tell Myanmar, the Foreign Minister said: “They also know that the Rohingya are citizens of Myanmar. Naturally, we told them that it is better that they tell Myanmar first.
When asked about the reason behind the threat of deportation of 22 lakh of Bangladeshis if 54,000 Rohingya do not receive passports from Bangladesh, the Foreign Minister said: “There are people of all kinds in all countries.” There are enough people to provoke. Because after seven years of labor market shutdown, Bangladesh now has the largest number of workers in Saudi Arabia thanks to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. There are 22 lakhs, they go more. But other countries, which are our rivals, are very unhappy. They also have people. Several attempts are being made with them.