Thursday’s Xbox game show featured a preview of As dusk falls, an interactive narrative game in development by independent studio Interior / Night. The studio is led by Caroline Marchal, former lead game designer for Quantic Dream’s Heavy Rain and Beyond two souls.
Set in the southwestern United States, the changing trailer shows two families: one with a black father and a white father, and the other a white family holding the former family hostage. The trailer also features an apparent time jump; He begins by showing the children of these families and then shows them as adults, meeting in different circumstances. All of this unfolds as a series of still images that appear to be painted versions of live performances.
The project will be Interior / Night’s debut game, which describes his spirit on his company’s website: “By building experiences based on core truths of love, loss, good, evil, mystery, wonder, family and friends; INTERIOR / NIGHT creations are designed to appeal to a broad audience looking to connect emotionally with what we do and learn more about themselves in the process. “
As dusk falls It will be available on Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Series X and Windows 10.