A Texas woman died from a coronavirus on a jet on a flight from Arizona

A 30-year-old Texas woman was killed by a Covid-19 while flying home from Arizona this summer, officials said Monday.

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins told NBC Dallas-Fort Worth that the woman died in July, but officials were aware of the official cause of her death.

“She found it difficult to breathe, and they tried to give her oxygen,” he told the station. “It simply came to our notice then. She died on the jetway. ”

The woman, who lives in the Dallas suburb of Garland, was in critical condition, according to a Dallas County news release. Additional information about him was not immediately available.

The revelation comes as case counts in 25 states continue to rise, according to a 14-day average maintained by the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. Data show that new cases jumped in Texas after a week-long decline.

Government of Texas. Greg Abbott has continued to relax coronavirus restrictions, with an executive order earlier this month, allowing some bars to reopen at half capacity.

Jenkins on Monday criticized the move, saying it made people believe it was safe to have friends.

“We continue to jump the gun, and it puts us back in a situation that hurts public health and businesses and schools,” he told NBC Dallas-Fort Worth.

Infectious Diseases Specialist Dr. Ts Mori University School of Medicine. Experts have warned of a possible “third peak” of coronavirus as the holidays approach, with Carlos del Rio being described as one of six potential superseder events.

“We can see a lot of disease,” he said.