Your Outdoorsy Neck Gaiter can do more harm than good

Science has told us, time and time again, that you should wear a face mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, we do not hear much about anything sort of face masks are best. And that’s a shame, because a new study published by Duke University researchers in Science Advances has found significant differences between the options – and that one particular type, the outdoorsy-neck gaiter, can in fact be counterproductive.

First a quick reminder why face masks are so important: Every time we talk, we send out respiratory droplets that can transmit the virus. Face masks limit the spread of these drops, and reduce the chance of asymptomatic carriers passing unconsciously COVID-19. It’s not about you, it’s about all others.

Duke University researchers used an optical imaging approach – using a laser and a camera – to test the differences in effectiveness of 14 types of face masks, including N95 masks, surgical masks, knit masks, cotton masks, bandanas and gaiters. While the aim of the study was to demonstrate how such a setup can be constructed, the findings are worth noting, in particular. the problematic character of gaiters.

The researchers found that the neck gaiter – a sun protection step that was never designed as a measure to combat coronavirus – actually divides the largest respiratory droplets into several smaller droplets, which are longer in the air. stay because large drops drop faster. In other words, talking through one of these masks seems to create a lighter, longer-lasting, virus-carrying army.

While the study does not reveal the brand and model of gaiter testing, it is important to recognize that the type of material is likely to make more of a difference than the shape, notes Martin C. Fischer, Ph.D., a associate research professor in chemistry and physics at Duke.

“The [neck gaiter] we demonstrated was a polyester / spandex mask, “he explained via email.” Typically, these masks are quite thin to provide breathing, which is probably the reason why many particles pass through, breaking into smaller pieces. However, we expect that there will be variations in performance for different masks (even of the same type), and for different users wearing identical masks. ”

neck gaiter

The neck pain used in the study

Duke University

Bandanas also showed very limited effectiveness, while thicker N95 masks, three-layer surgical masks, and masks that could meet polypropylene filters were most effective at reducing drops, followed by a variety of relatively standard two-layer cotton masks.

The findings of this study contradict what some experts have been hypothesizing for months, namely that gaiters can provide adequate coverage against the spread of coronavirus. In fact, Dr. Abraar Karan, a physician at Harvard Medical School, recently told NPR that, with gaiters, “there would theoretically be less chance for the air to escape laterally from the sides, as it would from a mask that is open at the side.” Keyword: theoretical.

Although more research certainly needs to be done, the new study is a strong indicator that a light, stretchy, single-layer microfiber material is far from ideal. That may explain why perhaps the most famous supplier of this type of product, Buff, now also makes one filter masks.


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