Your children can help with the national shortage of coins

Illustration for the article titled Your Kids Can Help With National Currency Shortages

Photo: Billion photos (Shutterstock)

The coronavirus has gifted us with many tragedies and inconveniences both big and small this year, and one of the last is one that most of us probably wouldn’t have predicted a few months ago: a shortage of coins across the country.

The decline in retail sales activity this year has slowed the rate of currency circulation to the point that adequate quantities are no longer available in some areas, causing companies to request or require customers to pay for card purchases or exact change. But the US Mint says in a recent statement that the shortage of coins is a part of this pandemic that we can resolve, if each of us does our part:

You can do this by paying for things with the exact change and returning the replacement change to circulation. Until currency circulation patterns return to normal, it may be more difficult for retailers and small businesses to accept cash payments. For millions of Americans, cash is the only form of payment, and cash transactions depend on currencies to make the change. We ask that the American public begin to spend their coins, deposit them, exchange them for currency at financial institutions, or take them to a currency exchange kiosk.

You know who has many changes.Ying? Children Piggy bank filling is a traditional childhood tradition that can now really be taken advantage of. And trading in those coins is something tangible kids can do to help their communities at a time when it seems like everything is out of their control (and ours).

So how should they get their coins back into circulation? Well, they You may want to go to the nearest quarter vending machine and buy a lifetime supply of rubber balls, rubber bouncy balls, and food-shaped erasers, but you can direct them in another direction.

They I could just exchange the currencies in the bank for paper moneysome banks are really paying people a little bit more for your coins right now. Or they could have more fun with that, for example, going to the local ice cream parlor and buying a gift with all the changes. Or they could exchange it with their parents for some new Minecraft or Robux skins (and then you Take it to the bank to exchange it.)

Do you know what is also fun? Those coin counting machines that you often see in front of grocery stores. (You can find a Coinstar kiosk here.) Or, if your kids really want to make a difference right now, they can donate their change by filling out one of those charity donation boxes you often see on retail or fast food lines. Many local nonprofits would probably also be happy to receive a coin donation at this time.

However, if they choose to spend their money, they will help more coins to circulate again so that a small portion of life can begin to feel normal again.

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