Young voters prefer Biden, but they may not vote

The big question that comes out of the Democratic National Convention is whether they will actually start liking him. In the meantime, young voters still do not like Biden, which makes him sensitive to some of these voters who may not want to play handball in the fall.

Biden currently has a lead of more than 20 points with young voters in live interview polls taken in August. Biden is up 25 points among 18-29-year-old voters in an average of the latest polls by CNN / SSRS, Fox News and NPR / PBS NewsHour / Marist College. It’s a 24-point lead when we look at 18-34-year-olds in CNN / SSRS, Monmouth University and NBC News / Wall Street Journal.

When I saw the data back in April, Biden had only a 14-point margin over Trump with voters under the age of 35.

Clinton, by comparison, led in the 2016 polls by 19 points among registered voters under the age of 35 (and under the age of 30).

It should come as no surprise that Biden is doing better with younger voters now. He came out of a primary fight with screenwriter Bernie Sanders, who was the preferred candidate of the youngest bloc in the electorate. Now that the time is over, some of these voters may be able to put some of their animus to Biden.

Young voters running for Biden is part of the reason why Biden’s national advantage of about 6 points in the early spring has expanded to about 9 points today.
But even if younger voters prefer Biden over Trump, it’s not entirely clear that they actually like Biden. Consider interviews with ABC News / Washington Post, CNN, Fox News and Marist.
Biden’s net favorable (favorable – unfavorable) rating averages out to -4 percentage points below the 18-29 year old subset. That is actually about 5 points less than his net favor among all registered voters in those polls. If we expand to 18-34 year olds looking at data from CNN, Gallup and Monmouth, Biden’s net benefit remains negative.

Indeed, the difference between voting and net eligibility among young voters is striking. Biden runs about 30 points better against Trump in equestrian than his sole advantage alone would suggest. Again, if we add more data from July, the point is made.

Compare what happens to young voters up to 65 years and older. They give Biden a net favorability of +10 points in an average of ABC News / Washington Post, CNN, Fox News and Monmouth. The same polls put Biden ahead of Trump by 9 points with this group. That is, there is no statistical difference.

Seniors like Biden, and they vote for him.

What happens to younger voters is pretty simple: They vote for Biden because they really do not like Trump. His net favorability with those under the age of 30 averages -40 points in these same polls, if about 35 points less than Biden’s net favorability rating.

It’s hard to imagine Trump winning too much among younger voters going forward. They know who he is after about 3.5 years of his presidency.

The potential pitfall for Biden is that voters who do not like any of the candidates are much less likely to be enthusiastic about voting. In the latest CNN poll, only about 10% of people who did not have a favorable opinion of any of the candidates said they were enthusiastic about casting a vote in the fall election. Among those who had a favorable view of at least one of the candidates, about 60% were enthusiastic about voting in the fall.

Of course, enthusiasm about voting is not the same as actual voting. You can vote without being enthusiastic about the idea, although the two are linked.

An ABC News / Washington Post query from late May (the last I could reach the raw database for) drives the point home. Voters who had a favorable view of one of the candidates were 20 points more likely to say they were sure to vote than those who did not.
Not surprisingly, younger voters are also less enthusiastic about voting and say they are less likely to vote than older voters in November, following historic precedent. The question is whether they will make up a smaller percentage of voters than they normally do because they do not keep either candidate on the ballot.

We just do not know. However, this data shows the potential problem of Biden relying on young voters who do not get Trump as the mechanism to get them to vote for Biden in November.
