Yes, you must stop using Google Chrome

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Screenshot: Brendan Hesse

It’s time to stop using Chrome? Were certainly ready to put the resource-grabbing browser to grazing, especially given the recent news that it’s been a hopeful solution from Microsoft for Chrome’s memory grabbing issues frustrated by Google itself.

Other browsers Chrome overshadowed for speed, performance, privacy and / or security a long time ago, and there’s no need to stick with something that is so bloated and slow if you don’t have to, and you don’t have to, yesbecause there a better version of Chrome out there, but It is not developed by Google.

Chrome is a system pig

Chrome pigs memory of your device and you eat It is the battery life. Google is testing experimental features to reduce this, but they only go so far. Worst, Google recently disabled a RAM saving feature from Microsoft allowing Windows 10 users to curb Chrome system issue, citing performance issues.

There are several factors behind Chrome’s resource hoarding behavior, but they are mostly unique to Chrome; Other chrome-based browsers like Edge Chromium and Brave don’t share Chrome’s voracious appetite. Neither the non-Chromium options like Safari and Firefox.

Chrome’s built-in ad blocking is limited

Google’s business model is big on ads, and many of the targeted ads you see on the web come from Google (or are informed by your data). To ensure that users continue to see and interact with these ads, Google limits ad types that content blocking extensions like AdBlock can be disabled, making a truly ad-free Chrome experience impossible. Yes, you can block some ads, but all.

However, browsers like Brave (or its adware-free alternative) Bold font), Opera and Vivaldi offers Chrome-like browsing without ads. They also block site crawlers and generally Provide better privacy and security features from the factory. Heck, Brave takes ad blocking so seriously that pays you if you decided no block ads-even if has been dined for replace affiliate links with your own tags, which is incomplete AF.

Chrome’s privacy controls aren’t as comprehensive

Chrome is decent for keeping your browsing activity and personal data out of the reach of hackers and suspicious companies, but not Google.

To be fair, Google’s privacy controls are better than they used to be. Users can control some of the data that Google collectsand Now default Google accounts to automatically delete saved data. However, there are many techniques. Google applications to collect and share your information anyway.

Chrome tracks your data and redirects as much as it can legally to Google’s servers, especially if you’re constantly connected to your Google account. Google tracking is different than hackers or stalkers who collect information about your browsing activity, but it still presents great privacy risks, especially if a misconfigured server ends up leaking a lot of personal information.

No longer the best Chromium browser

Chrome browsers are sleek, fast and easy to use For years, Chrome was the best Chromium browser, and because of that, users endured its quirks and shortcomings, be it the way Google Search stacks the deck in favor of certain pages or the way that attacks browser plug-ins that could weaken your ad-based business model.

Google prioritizes its own products makes sense. I don’t even think that doing it is wrong, per se. The perfect integration of Chrome with other Google applications and services it is convenient. yesBut not everyone wants to be strongly linked to the Google ecosystem simply because they enjoy the Chromium-based browsing experience.

Fortunately, there are now plenty of solid chrome-based alternatives, and any one of them offers an almost identical Chrome-like browser that lacks Google’s product integrations.

Oh and you can still use Gmail, Google Drive, YouTube and other Google web applications in virtually any other browser if you wish:although there are many good alternatives to those, too.

Find a new browser

Ready to get rid of Chrome? We can help. Take a look at our guides for best ad blocking bpaddles (which are not Chrome) and the best browsers for security and privacy.

I personally use Brave on the desktop and new mobile browser Firefox on Android, but there are many solid options out there. Even pre-installed browsers like it Edge Chromium from Microsoft and Safari from Apple are better-in fact, Safari could be the best browser on Mac period.
