Yeah, we’re getting more shadow tricks

Illustration for the article titled Yessussus, we are getting more shadow tricks

Screenshots: Shadow tricks

Shadow tricks These are the best stealth / strategy games of all time, And have mm games with developers Just-as-well done Desperados 3 Last year, They are coming back Shadow tricks With standalone extension.

It’s called Icon’s Choice and the trailer for it Sucks, Because it shows nothing but the logo. But then, it’s shadow tactics, we know what it will look like and how it will play, so really, the knowledge that comes out there is good enough news for today.

The Steam page of the extension has some screenshots, however, some basic information:

Shadow Tactics: Shogun’s Blades – Icon’s Choice focuses on one of the main characters in the main game: Kunoichi’s iconic Iko. He is the master of camouflage and distracts enemies in the guise of geisha. Although Icon was convinced that she had left her old life behind, I joined a new enemy connected with Icon who came back from the shadows to challenge her. With her deadly killer friends she went out to hunt the ghosts of her past …

The expansion has three fully developed main missions, arranged in new environments, and three short interval missions.


Screenshots: Shadow tricks

It is due in late “late 2021”.
